Our Waste Broker department work with hundreds of service providers covering every postcode in the UK. Having the ability to work with so many service providers gives us the flexibility to negotiate the very best rates for our members without compromising on the all-important service element.
Service can be reduced during the winter months if required to ensure costs are kept to a bare minimum giving peace of mind that you are not paying for bins to be emptied when they are far from full.
Termination of existing contracts can often be a lengthy process. We will take care of the termination of your current service and set up of the new ensuring the switch is seamless.
Should you be happy with your current provider we can often switch you from your local price file to our GMG national price file making instant savings. On average our savings for identical service stand at just over £450 per annum!
This is a category where savings can be made with very little time or effort. If you are unsure of your contractual status, please contact us and we will establish your end date and highlight savings where we can.