As we start to look forward to the new golfing season we thought we would provide a quick update on some of the good news stories working with England Golf over the past few months.
There has been huge interest in our solar offering with clubs looking to reduce their energy costs and also carbon emissions, Bletchingley GC and Peterborough Milton GC are 2 clubs that have taken advantage of the GMG / England Golf partnership starting their solar journeys.
Another good news green story was the EV charge installation at Open Championship venue Royal Lytham & St. Annes GC. Managing Secretary Charles Grimley was very happy with the new addition to the club’s facilities.
“Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club are delighted to have chosen GMG partner Project Better Energy to provide an EV charging solution for the vehicles of our Members and Visiting golfers. Over the past couple of years we have received an increase in the number of requests for facilities to charge electric vehicles and as such liaised closely with Golf Management Group to evaluate the market to provide a solution to facilitate this relatively new demand. Once again, we are delighted to have had the pleasure of working with Project Better Energy and will continue to work closely with them along with Golf Management Group on other initiatives in the future.”
Energy prices were the biggest cause of concern for clubs over the last 6 months, fortunately the market is settling down a little but prices are still double on this time last year. Both Prestbury GC and Bishop’s Stortford GC made significant savings with our help, £28,155 and £148,365.09 respectively.
“Having used GMG over the past 5 years in a previous role they have once again been hugely supportive and thorough in their approach to finding Prestbury Golf Club the best gas price. This has resulted in a significant saving meaning the club is now in a position to plan financially knowing that this element of our utilities has been secured. I would recommend GMG to any Club Manager looking to make savings across the business in challenging economic times.”
Stuart - Prestbury GC
‘We recently completed an energy price review with GMG Energy and other consultants and found the service and pricing from GMG efficient and professional. GMG managed to save us almost £150k on Gas and Electricity over the three-year deal from the out of contact rates, and a saving on what we had been quoted directly from our suppliers.’
Jonathan – Saffron Waldon GC
Refuse collection continues to be our most popular category with nearly 400 golf clubs now using our service to guarantee best prices and ensure they are exploring all of their recycling options. Only this week we have demonstrated an Open Qualifying venue in Cheshire a 39% saving on an identical service!!
Remember there’s no cost to use our services thanks to your England Golf affiliation, contact us today >>