GMG have partnered with Dunlop Heywood for a number of years now to provide you with business rates advice.
They have successfully saved over £1.5m for golf clubs, however, now they have identified several issues that are set to affect you moving forward:
- The 2026 Revaluation
- Retail & Hospitality Relief
- Increased Requests from the Valuation Office
- Incorrect Rate Demands
Not only are golf clubs facing the prospect of higher Rateable Values from 1 April 2026, there is a distinct possibility that reliefs you have enjoyed across the past few years will be removed.
Dunlop Heywood have devised a plan that will ensure your occupational costs are minimised as well as providing you with budget certainty for the next 3 years
With this in mind we would like to invite you to a 30 minute webinar on 6th November 11am where Dunlop Heywood will be running through the impact of 2026 and their latest initiative, it would be great if you could join us click here to register>>
Click to read their latest prospectus, Golf Club case studies and testimonials